A brief guide to knowing orchard serviced apartments

The orchard serviced apartments which also consist of many different intersections,are part of an orchard, a residential neighborhood in Singapore.

Are there any special corporate rates available at Orchard Serviced Apartments?

Because our apartments in Orchard are mainly utilized for corporate stays, we always give the best lowest corporate tariffs.

What can you expect when you stay at the orchard Service apartment?

A warm atmosphere with hotel-like amenities completely equipped with air-conditioned rooms, televisions, and other modern conveniences, a dedicated housekeeper, breakfast, home meals, and prompt settlement of any issues And, yes, they’re all within walking distance of Bugis’ most prominent attractions.

orchard serviced apartments

Is it acceptable to stay in a serviced apartment in Bugis while undergoing medical treatment?

Two of the essential categories to satisfy the needs of the vacation rental industry were medical tourists and information and technology. Apartments are a somewhat more expensive option than hotels, making them an excellent choice for children and caregivers. Near Bugis, there seem to be numerous service flats.

Many leading service apartment providers in Orchards offer quality experience apartments in Bugis. The apartments are elegantly decorated and have some of the most current conveniences, as well as a welcoming atmosphere and tasty, healthy food. You have more ideal living space than a conventional hotel room, with separate dining and living areas.

Orchard was one of the most famouslocality with lovely apartments and now being, it has been redeveloped. With a store and complex that includes restaurants, nightclubs, retail malls, and street sellers, it remakes itself as a critical business area.